Eighteen Ways to add some curb side appeal to your home

Getting ready to list your home? First impressions matter. Adding some curbside appeal to your home will not only help your home sell faster but gives you something you can take pride in.

Here are 18 different ways you can improve your curbside appeal. 

1. Trim your overgrown shrubs. 

Overgrown shrubs are one of the biggest curbside appeal killers, and are a relatively easy fix. Trimming your window-obscuring bushes and trees will not only add some more natural light inside your home but will allow buyers to see your house fully, making your windows look larger and your house more appealing. 

2. Put out planters

If your house is looking barren and lacks greenery, planters are a quick, easy fix. Adding some greenery and a little bit of colour can create a more welcoming feel for your home. They can be easily maintained, and are much easier to add than a garden for those of us without a green thumb. 

3. Pressure wash

There is likely mould and residue covering your outdoor surfaces that you don’t even notice. While you may not want to paint, and as it may be expensive, renting or borrowing a pressure washer is easy and inexpensive. Pressure washing your surfaces such as decks, patios, walkways, and driveways can easily help to freshen up your house. You can even pressure wash the sides of your house if you’re careful and do it the right way instead of paying for a new paint job. 

4. Add some colour to your front door

Adding a fresh coat of paint to your front door can help clean up your home's exterior, and, if done in the right colour, can make your house stand out from those on your street. Taking time to choose a bright, powerful colour can help to attract maximum attention from buyers and make it stand out among other options. Don't be afraid of choosing something wild! When the rest of your house is decorated in neutral tones, the contrast will look great!

5. Upgrade your porch light

Picking up a new porch light to fit the exterior aesthetic of your home can help tie together the look you're going for. Something cleaner, and functioning, will help make your home look cleaner and more attractive to buyers. 

6. Seasonal wreaths

Seasonal wreaths are an extremely easy and inexpensive way to create a welcoming entrance to your home. A well-chosen wreath that compliments the colour of your door and the season at hand can help create that homey feeling lots of buyers are looking for!

7. Porch seating

Putting some seating on your front porch, anything from a porch swing to some modern metal chairs is a great way to indicate to buyers that your neighbourhood is social. Porch seating can help create a friendly, home-like feeling that lots of buyers are looking for!

8. Window boxes

Planting some flowers in window boxes can really help your house stand out. They're a quick, inexpensive, and easy project that isn't hard to maintain. Consider planting some seasonal flowers, colourful plants, and other, easy-to-maintain plants. 

9. Make a welcoming entryway

A large part of adding curbside appeal revolves around creating a welcoming and clean environment for your buyers. Taking the time to clean up your doorway can really help create this environment, using some potted plants, outdoor decorations, and even that new coat of paint. 

10. Paint the shutters

In the same token as painting your door, painting your shutters can help increase curb appeal. At the very minimum, cleaning them can do the same, making your house stand out and feel memorable. Consider painting them a similar colour to the front door, or a colour that contrasts the colours of your home. 

11. Consider symmetry 

Symmetrical designs are pleasing to the eye and easily increase curbside appeal. Rearranging outdoor furniture, planting garden beds in a symmetrical fashion, and adding balanced decoration to both sides of your home can create an attractive look. 

12. Light up the outside

Adding some outdoor lighting is an easy way to make your home appealing to buyers. Consider using solar-powered lights for energy efficiency as well as easy set-up. String lights on the porch (be sure not to overdo it!), or post lights highlighting outdoor walkways and gardens are some great options!

13. Paint, or install a new mailbox

An old beaten up worn-down mailbox can easily be replaced with something sleek in modern, or just something new and colourful or clean! This small fix, should you have a mailbox, can really help clean up your house's reputation!

14. Clean up the clutter

While decorating the front of your home, adding some new fun colours and items, be sure not to add too much! Take away anything old and broken that's already on your porch, front lawn or garden. Be sure to put away any garbage from these spots too, for maximum appeal.  Remember that empty space is good too! It’s important to create a balance. 

15. Clean the windows

Cleaning your windows can be an inexpensive, easy weekend project that will really win buyers over. Cleaner windows let in more natural light, rather than dirty rundown windows that don't allow much light in. 

16. Paint/fix the fence

Painting and fixing your little white picket fence can tie together the look of the house easily. Replacing the rotting boards, replacing missing boards, and giving your fence a quick sleek white paint job can help to lure in buyers. 

17. Mow the lawn

A neatly trimmed lawn can pull your house together entirely, and really scream “look at me!” to your buyers. While it may seem tedious to some, keeping up on lawn maintenance while your house is on the market is extremely important. 

18. Add some flowers

If you're up to the challenge of caring for them, flowers can be a gorgeous addition to the exterior of your home! Something bright and seasonal can really help clean up your outdoor space. Be sure to take care of them, though! Dead flowers aren't always as appealing as living ones. 
